annual reports
awarding vehicles to needy vets, past and future
awards to GSU student veterans with photos
Pictured left to right, VetBuds member and Operation Rally Point CEO, Brandon Watts, Bill Williams, VetBuds Co-founder and Vice President, Donny Dos Ramos, GSU student veteran and VetBuds member Paul Romanick, Citrus Solutions Owner. As part of its mission VetBuds supports Georgia State University student veterans with financial grants.
Awarding a vehicle to a veteran in need of transportation.
This photo was shot at Christian Brothers Auto. Bob DeBuss donated his late wife’s Lexus to worthy veteran Kefu Aiken.
Rewarding a student Veteran.
Rewarding a student Veteran.
This photo was shot at Christian Brothers Auto. Bob DeBuss donated his late wife’s Lexus to worthy veteran Kefu Aiken.